Thursday, March 16, 2006

Communiqué 03/15/2006

(francais suit)

infringement Montréal Communiqué
March 15th, 2006

March infringeAGAIN: Rachel’s Words

Canadian artists are reacting to a theatrical controversy that has been brewing in London and New York City. An Off Broadway production of My Name Is Rachel Corrie, an acclaimed solo show about an American demonstrator killed by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to stop the destruction of a Palestinian home, has been censored (“indefinitely postponed”).

On Thursday, March 16th, the anniversary of Rachel’s murder, a broad spectrum of groups and individuals around the world will perform in staged readings and theatrical actions so Rachel’s words and her message of human rights and justice can be heard. Optative Theatrical Laboratories invites you to come hear Rachel’s Words …
(read more)

infringement Ministry of Culture-Jamming to take part in anti-war march

Optative Theatrical Laboratories and the infringement Festival Ministry of Culture-Jamming are organizing a theatrical demonstration to help protest the three year anniversary of the Iraq war. It will be part of the March that will take place on St-Catherine Street March 18th.

We will be meeting at the Bifteck (3702 St-Laurent) every Monday leading until the jam at 7:30 P.M. to plan the details. For more information please call Jay at 515-FEST (3378) (read more)

infringement Community Meetings starting up soon

As the festival approaches, we will begin holding regular meetings for all members of the infringement Community: artists, volunteers, organizers and supporters.

This is a chance for all of us to get together, discuss the fest and our plans for it and collaborate. More details will come soon.

The infringement circuit is expanding

This year, in addition to Montreal, there will be an infringement Festival in Ottawa, Kingston, Buffalo, Regina and New York City, with hopefully more cities joining.

All Montreal infringement artists are invited to tour the circuit. Please apply to each festival you’d like to play individually, their contact information can be found here and their dates are posted here.

If you’d like to collaborate with other touring acts and possibly share resources, or to get listed as touring act on the infringement International website, please contact JC (514) 583-3378 or once you know which fests outside of Montreal you’ll be playing.

Car Stories looking for players

Optative Theatrical Laboratories is currently seeking actors, writers and organizers for Car Stories this summer in Montreal and for our tour to Ottawa, Kingston, Buffalo, Regina and New York City.

Set in real alleyways, streets, cars, bars and parking lots, Car Stories is a guided tour through the urban wonderland for three spectators at a time. This highly interactive combination of theatre and street performance is also Montreal’s longest-running theatrical experiment.

We’re looking for people who can play a bold character that can fit into loose dramatic guidelines and people that have a 10-15 minute story that can be played in a car (or would be willing to write one). We’re also looking for people to help us behind the scenes with organization, sponsorship or by lending us their car so we can make it a star.

If you’d like to hop on board or would like more information, please call (514) 915-0674, e-mail or log onto (includes videos).


If you haven’t already done so, there’s still time to submit an act to Montreal’s infringement Festival or volunteer as an iF Agent. Please call (514) 583-FEST (3378) to submit an act, or (514) 513-0420 to volunteer, or reach us by e-mail at More information, including our application form, can be found online at

To get your event listed as an infringement Community Event, to propose making your event an infringeAGAIN, or to look for players in the infringement Community Classifieds, please contact

To get on this list, or to have your address removed, please contact

Thank you,
Montréal’s infringement team

*** Please FWD and re-post


Communiqué du festival infringement de Montréal
le 15 mars, 2006

infringeENCORE de Mars: Rachel’s Words

Les artistes canadiens réagissent à une controverse théâtrale qui a brassé à Londres et la Ville de New York. La production de Broadway My Name is Rachel Corrie, un spectacle solo acclamé d'une activiste américain tué par un bulldozer Israelien pendant qu'elle essayait d'arrêter la destruction d'une maison palestinienne, a été censuré (“indéfiniment remis”).

Jeudi le 16 mars, l'anniversaire de la meurtre de Rachel, des groupes et des individus autour du monde exécutera des lectures sur scène et des actions théâtrales pour que les mots de Rachel et son message de droits et la justice humains peuvent être entendus. Les Laboratoires Théâtraux Optatif vous invitent à venir entendre Rachel’s Words…
(lire plus)

La Ministère de Brouillage Culturelle du festival prendra partie dans un démonstration anti-guerre

Les Laboratoires Théâtraux Optatif et la Ministère de Brouillage Culturel du Festival infringement organisent une démonstration théâtrale pour aider la protestation contre la troixième anniversaire de la guerre en Iraq. Notre action fera partie de la marche qu'aura lieu sur la rue St-Catherine le 18 mars.

Nous rencontrerons au Bifteck (3702 St-Laurent) chaque lundi a 19h30 pour planifier les détails. Pour plus de renseignements, SVP appeler Jay à (514) 515 FEST (3378)
(lire plus)

Les réunions de la communauté infringement commençeront bientôt

Plus proche au festival, nos reunions communautaire infringement régulières commençeront de nouveau pour tous membres de la communauté infringement: les artistes, les volontaires, les organisateurs et les supporters.

Ceci est une chance pour nous tous se rencontrer, discuter le festival et nos projets et collaborer. Plus de détails viendra bientôt.

Le circuit infringement agrandisse

Cette année, en plus de Montréal, il y aura un festival infringement à Ottawa, Kingston, Buffalo, Regina et New York, et peut-être d’autres villes.

Toutes les artistes infringement de Montréal sont invités à faire la tournée du circuit. Si vous voulez, SVP proposer votre spectacle à chaque festival individuellement. Leurs details de contacte sont en ligne ici et leurs dates sont ici.

Pour collaborer avec les autres actes qui font la tournée (peut-être partagent des resources), ou pour vous lister comme acte de tournée sur notre site web, SVP contacter JC (514) 583-3378 ou une fois vous savez quels autres festivals vous jouerez.

Car Stories cherchent des joueurs

Les Laboratoires Théâtraux Optatif cherchent presentment des acteurs, des écrivains et des organisateurs pour Car Stories cet été en Montréal et pour notre tournée à Ottawa, Kingston, Buffalo, Regina et New York.

Le spectacle déroule dans les vraies rues, ruelles autos et bars du monde des merveillles urbaine. Cette combinaison extrêmement interactive de théâtre et théâtre dans la rue est aussi l'experiment théâtrale la plus longue-durant de Montréal.

Nous cherchons des personnes qui peuvent jouer un caractère grand dans des indications dramatiques détachés et des personnes qui ont écrit (ou qui peuvent écrire) une scène de 10-15 minutes qui peuvent être jouée dans une voiture. Nous cherchons aussi des gens pour nous aider avec l'organisation, le sponsorat ou pour nous preter leurs voiture, qu'on va transformer en vedette.

Si vous aimeriez sauter à bord ou aimeriez plus d'information, s'il vous plaît appeler (514) 915-0674, envoyer un courriel à ou consultez (inclut des vidéos).


Si vous n'avez pas fait déjà si, il reste du temps pour proposer un spéctacle au festival infringement de Montréal ou devenir un agent iF (bénévole du festival). Appeler (514) 583-FEST (3378) pour proposer un spéctacle ou (514) 513-0420 pour devenir bénévole, ou nous contacter par courriel:

Pour lister votre évenemment comme évennement communautaire infringement, proposer votre spectacle comme infringeENCORE ou chercher des joueurs dans nos annonces classés communautaire infringement, contacter

Pour y joindre cette liste ou enlever votre adresse courriel de la liste, SVP contacter
*** SVP envoyer ou re-afficher

L'équipe infringement de Montréal

Communiqué 03/15/2006

(francais suit)

infringement Montréal Communiqué
March 15th, 2006

March infringeAGAIN: Rachel’s Words

Canadian artists are reacting to a theatrical controversy that has been brewing in London and New York City. An Off Broadway production of My Name Is Rachel Corrie, an acclaimed solo show about an American demonstrator killed by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to stop the destruction of a Palestinian home, has been censored (“indefinitely postponed”).

On Thursday, March 16th, the anniversary of Rachel’s murder, a broad spectrum of groups and individuals around the world will perform in staged readings and theatrical actions so Rachel’s words and her message of human rights and justice can be heard. Optative Theatrical Laboratories invites you to come hear Rachel’s Words …
(read more)

infringement Ministry of Culture-Jamming to take part in anti-war march

Optative Theatrical Laboratories and the infringement Festival Ministry of Culture-Jamming are organizing a theatrical demonstration to help protest the three year anniversary of the Iraq war. It will be part of the March that will take place on St-Catherine Street March 18th.

We will be meeting at the Bifteck (3702 St-Laurent) every Monday leading until the jam at 7:30 P.M. to plan the details. For more information please call Jay at 515-FEST (3378) (read more)

infringement Community Meetings starting up soon

As the festival approaches, we will begin holding regular meetings for all members of the infringement Community: artists, volunteers, organizers and supporters.

This is a chance for all of us to get together, discuss the fest and our plans for it and collaborate. More details will come soon.

The infringement circuit is expanding

This year, in addition to Montreal, there will be an infringement Festival in Ottawa, Kingston, Buffalo, Regina and New York City, with hopefully more cities joining.

All Montreal infringement artists are invited to tour the circuit. Please apply to each festival you’d like to play individually, their contact information can be found here and their dates are posted here.

If you’d like to collaborate with other touring acts and possibly share resources, or to get listed as touring act on the infringement International website, please contact JC (514) 583-3378 or once you know which fests outside of Montreal you’ll be playing.

Car Stories looking for players

Optative Theatrical Laboratories is currently seeking actors, writers and organizers for Car Stories this summer in Montreal and for our tour to Ottawa, Kingston, Buffalo, Regina and New York City.

Set in real alleyways, streets, cars, bars and parking lots, Car Stories is a guided tour through the urban wonderland for three spectators at a time. This highly interactive combination of theatre and street performance is also Montreal’s longest-running theatrical experiment.

We’re looking for people who can play a bold character that can fit into loose dramatic guidelines and people that have a 10-15 minute story that can be played in a car (or would be willing to write one). We’re also looking for people to help us behind the scenes with organization, sponsorship or by lending us their car so we can make it a star.

If you’d like to hop on board or would like more information, please call (514) 915-0674, e-mail or log onto (includes videos).


If you haven’t already done so, there’s still time to submit an act to Montreal’s infringement Festival or volunteer as an iF Agent. Please call (514) 583-FEST (3378) to submit an act, or (514) 513-0420 to volunteer, or reach us by e-mail at More information, including our application form, can be found online at

To get your event listed as an infringement Community Event, to propose making your event an infringeAGAIN, or to look for players in the infringement Community Classifieds, please contact

To get on this list, or to have your address removed, please contact

Thank you,
Montréal’s infringement team

*** Please FWD and re-post


Communiqué du festival infringement de Montréal
le 15 mars, 2006

infringeENCORE de Mars: Rachel’s Words

Les artistes canadiens réagissent à une controverse théâtrale qui a brassé à Londres et la Ville de New York. La production de Broadway My Name is Rachel Corrie, un spectacle solo acclamé d'une activiste américain tué par un bulldozer Israelien pendant qu'elle essayait d'arrêter la destruction d'une maison palestinienne, a été censuré (“indéfiniment remis”).

Jeudi le 16 mars, l'anniversaire de la meurtre de Rachel, des groupes et des individus autour du monde exécutera des lectures sur scène et des actions théâtrales pour que les mots de Rachel et son message de droits et la justice humains peuvent être entendus. Les Laboratoires Théâtraux Optatif vous invitent à venir entendre Rachel’s Words…
(lire plus)

La Ministère de Brouillage Culturelle du festival prendra partie dans un démonstration anti-guerre

Les Laboratoires Théâtraux Optatif et la Ministère de Brouillage Culturel du Festival infringement organisent une démonstration théâtrale pour aider la protestation contre la troixième anniversaire de la guerre en Iraq. Notre action fera partie de la marche qu'aura lieu sur la rue St-Catherine le 18 mars.

Nous rencontrerons au Bifteck (3702 St-Laurent) chaque lundi a 19h30 pour planifier les détails. Pour plus de renseignements, SVP appeler Jay à (514) 515 FEST (3378)
(lire plus)

Les réunions de la communauté infringement commençeront bientôt

Plus proche au festival, nos reunions communautaire infringement régulières commençeront de nouveau pour tous membres de la communauté infringement: les artistes, les volontaires, les organisateurs et les supporters.

Ceci est une chance pour nous tous se rencontrer, discuter le festival et nos projets et collaborer. Plus de détails viendra bientôt.

Le circuit infringement agrandisse

Cette année, en plus de Montréal, il y aura un festival infringement à Ottawa, Kingston, Buffalo, Regina et New York, et peut-être d’autres villes.

Toutes les artistes infringement de Montréal sont invités à faire la tournée du circuit. Si vous voulez, SVP proposer votre spectacle à chaque festival individuellement. Leurs details de contacte sont en ligne ici et leurs dates sont ici.

Pour collaborer avec les autres actes qui font la tournée (peut-être partagent des resources), ou pour vous lister comme acte de tournée sur notre site web, SVP contacter JC (514) 583-3378 ou une fois vous savez quels autres festivals vous jouerez.

Car Stories cherchent des joueurs

Les Laboratoires Théâtraux Optatif cherchent presentment des acteurs, des écrivains et des organisateurs pour Car Stories cet été en Montréal et pour notre tournée à Ottawa, Kingston, Buffalo, Regina et New York.

Le spectacle déroule dans les vraies rues, ruelles autos et bars du monde des merveillles urbaine. Cette combinaison extrêmement interactive de théâtre et théâtre dans la rue est aussi l'experiment théâtrale la plus longue-durant de Montréal.

Nous cherchons des personnes qui peuvent jouer un caractère grand dans des indications dramatiques détachés et des personnes qui ont écrit (ou qui peuvent écrire) une scène de 10-15 minutes qui peuvent être jouée dans une voiture. Nous cherchons aussi des gens pour nous aider avec l'organisation, le sponsorat ou pour nous preter leurs voiture, qu'on va transformer en vedette.

Si vous aimeriez sauter à bord ou aimeriez plus d'information, s'il vous plaît appeler (514) 915-0674, envoyer un courriel à ou consultez (inclut des vidéos).


Si vous n'avez pas fait déjà si, il reste du temps pour proposer un spéctacle au festival infringement de Montréal ou devenir un agent iF (bénévole du festival). Appeler (514) 583-FEST (3378) pour proposer un spéctacle ou (514) 513-0420 pour devenir bénévole, ou nous contacter par courriel:

Pour lister votre évenemment comme évennement communautaire infringement, proposer votre spectacle comme infringeENCORE ou chercher des joueurs dans nos annonces classés communautaire infringement, contacter

Pour y joindre cette liste ou enlever votre adresse courriel de la liste, SVP contacter
*** SVP envoyer ou re-afficher

L'équipe infringement de Montréal

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Play postponed for political content in NYC

Interesting story out of NYC...


Rickman slams 'censorship' of play about US Gaza activist
Julian Borger in Washington, Tuesday February 28, 2006, The Guardian,,1719693,00.html

A New York theatre company has put off plans to stage a play about an American activist killed by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza because of the current "political climate" - a decision the play's British director, Alan Rickman, denounced yesterday as "censorship".

James Nicola, the artistic director of the New York Theatre Workshop, said it had never formally announced it would be staging the play, My Name is Rachel Corrie, but it had been considering staging it in March.

"In our pre-production planning and our talking around and listening in our communities in New York, what we heard was that after Ariel Sharon's illness and the election of Hamas, we had a very edgy situation," Mr Nicola said.

"We found that our plan to present a work of art would be seen as us taking a stand in a political conflict, that we didn't want to take."

He said he had suggested a postponement until next year.

Mr Rickman, best known for his film acting roles in Love, Actually and the Harry Potter series and who directed the play at London's Royal Court Theatre, denounced the decision.

"I can only guess at the pressures of funding an independent theatre company in New York, but calling this production "postponed" does not disguise the fact that it has been cancelled," Mr Rickman said in a statement.

"This is censorship born out of fear, and the New York Theatre Workshop, the Royal Court, New York audiences - all of us are the losers."

Rachel Corrie was a 23-year-old activist from Washington state crushed in March 2003 when she put herself between an Israeli army bulldozer and a Palestinian home it was about to demolish in Rafah, on the Egyptian border.

The International Solidarity Movement, of which she was a member, claimed the bulldozer driver ran her over deliberately. The Israeli Defence Forces said it was an accident, and that she was killed by falling debris.

The Israeli government said the demolitions were aimed at creating a "security zone" along the border. The Palestinians say they are a form of collective punishment.

"Rachel Corrie lived in nobody's pocket but her own. Whether one is sympathetic with her or not, her voice is like a clarion in the fog and should be heard," Mr Rickman said.

My Name is Rachel Corrie consists of her diary entries and emails home, edited by Mr Rickman and Katharine Viner, features editor of The Guardian. It won the best new play prize at this year's Theatregoers' Choice Awards in London.


Play About Demonstrator's Death Is Delayed
February 28, By Jesse McKinleay, New York Times, February 28, 2006

A potential Off Broadway production of "My Name Is Rachel Corrie," an acclaimed solo show about an American demonstrator killed by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to stop the destruction of a Palestinian home, has been postponed because of concerns about the show's political content.

The production, a hit at the Royal Court Theater in London last year, had been tentatively scheduled to start performances at the New York Theater Workshop in the East Village on March 22. But yesterday, James C. Nicola, the artistic director of the workshop, said he had decided to postpone the show after polling local Jewish religious and community leaders as to their feelings about the work.

"The uniform answer we got was that the fantasy that we could present the work of this writer simply as a work of art without appearing to take a position was just that, a fantasy," he said.
In particular, the recent electoral upset by Hamas, the militant Palestinian group, and the sickness of Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, had made "this community very defensive and very edgy," Mr. Nicola said, "and that seemed reasonable to me."

The play, which received strong reviews in London, follows the story of Rachel Corrie, an idealistic American demonstrator and Palestinian-rights activist who was crushed to death in March 2003 in the Gaza Strip.

The play was written by the actor Alan Rickman, who directed the piece, and Katherine Viner, a journalist at The Guardian newspaper in London, who pieced together snippets of Ms. Corrie's journals and e-mail messages to create the script. And while the show had not been formally announced, Ms. Viner said yesterday that she and Mr. Rickman had already bought plane tickets to see the production at the workshop.

"I was devastated and really surprised," Ms. Viner said in a telephone interview from London. "And in my view, I think they're misjudging the New York audience. It's a piece of art, not a piece of agitprop."

But Mr. Nicola said he was less worried about those who saw the show than those who simply heard about it.

"I don't think we were worried about the audience," he said. "I think we were more worried that those who had never encountered her writing, never encountered the piece, would be using this as an opportunity to position their arguments."

Mr. Nicola said that he still hoped to produce the play during the 2006-7 season but that he hadn't heard back from the Royal Court yet. A call for comment to the Royal Court's general manager, Diane Borger, was not returned.

"It seemed as though if we proceeded, we would be taking a stand we didn't want to take," he said.