Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Report from Christiania (January 8th)

infringement performance activist Donovan King is in The Free City of Christiania, in the middle of Copenhagen, Denmark. He is reporting daily on the resitiance to attempts by the Danish government to shut the city down...

I just came back from the Blues Jam at the Operaren, and met a fellow named David from New Orleans. He was playing the trumpet with passion and pizazz amidst the improvised jazz ensemble (which plays 4 - 9 pm every Sunday, free of charge).

I have met a few Americans here, many dating back from decades ago. Many of them are similar to the current War Resisters in Canada - they came to escape oppressive US policies.

Discussing Katrina with David was enlightening - as a black person he had a lot to say against the US government and Bush.

I also met an older woman, a single mother whose daughters are now grown into adults, who told me of a horrifying encounter with the police where they beat the shit out of her. Apparently this is a common practice with Chistianites, and reportedly Amnesty International mentions it every time they report on the Danish government's conduct.

A lot of the people here are extremely pissed with their right-wing government, and the lasy I mentioned described it as "the most racist government in the world today".

Apparently they are tightening up and already extremely tight immigration policy, with new "tests".

The police also paid a visit to Christiania today with a massive bulldozer. Surely an intimidation sign, they demanded to bulldoze a snowfort which they claimed was a "security risk". And bulldoze they did.

Not a single snowman made by kids hands or wall within the playful fort remained following this sad spectacle.

A lot of it was actually made by Greenlanders, or the equivalent of First Nations in Canada.

There is a real atmosphere of fear and intimidation in Christiania.

On an entirely different note, I had dinner with a new media artist internet-named "FRIGG" who has a beautiful girl named Penny (1 1/2 years old). She told me that she is planning an electronic defense of Christiania.

- Donovan King (in Christiania)


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